Welcome to the third and final part of the Easter Story according to Jesus. It has been quite a journey for me in writing, one that has been quite valuable in my understanding of the Easter Story and the impact it has on my faith. I hope that it has helped you see the story from another angle and has grown your appreciation for what Jesus did for us at the first Easter. If you would like to read the previous posts, you can here: Part 1 and Part 2. HE IS RISEN – HALLELUJAH!
I walked towards my Father, who was surrounded by great white light. He was standing with another man who was on his knees in worship.
“My Son,” he called out, “You have come home!”
“Yes Father,” I replied.
I looked closer at the man on his knees and realised that it was the same man who had been on the cross next to me. I approached him and he looked at me with joy.
“Your sins have been forgiven,” I exclaimed, “I have prepared a place for you – welcome home!”
The man bowed before me and kissed my feet.
“My Son,” my Father called, “We must not waste time. Death must be defeated, once and for all.”
“I know, Father,” I replied, “I should be going.”
There was a great rumble as I awoke. I was in darkness, lying on a stone platform. Suddenly, a crack of light appeared and it began to enlarge. The stone was rolling away. I threw off my body wraps for I had been given a new body and walked out of the tomb. The angel was atop the stone and bowed his head as I walked by. The guards were fast asleep.
I began on the road to Emmaus. I was a tough walk in the hot sun, however I did find two men walking and talking. I approached them.
“What is it you are talking about?” I asked.
“Have you not heard?” they replied, “Do you not know the things that have happened in the last few days? Jesus of Nazareth – he was a great man in word and action. He was taken and crucified, but we had hoped that he would be the one who would redeem Israel. And, what’s more, some of the women have reported that his body is no longer in the grave and that he is alive, but we have not seen him.”
“How slow you are to believe what the prophets have spoken!” I replied, “Didn’t Christ have to suffer these things to enter his glory?”
We were approaching the village where the two were staying. The two men urged me to stay the night with them as it was late. I obliged.
I sat down at the table with them. I took the bread, thanked my Father for it and broke it. At this moment, the men’s eyes were opened and they recognised me.
In the morning, I returned to my tomb. A woman was there crying and frustrated at the fact my body was no longer in the tomb. She had brought spices to preserve my body. She was asking the angels who were standing guard where my body had gone.
I approached behind her quietly and she turned towards me. It was Mary Magdalene.
“Woman, why are you crying?” I inquired, “Who is it that you are looking for?”
Fighting back the tears, Mary replied, “Sir, if you have taken, please tell me where you have put him.”
“Mary, it is me,” I replied.
Mary recognised me and cried, “Rabboni!”
One evening, I appeared to my disciples. They were all overjoyed to see me. We passed the peace between each person. Thomas, however, was skeptical.
“Unless I see you hands and your side, I will not believe that it is you,” he said.
I outstretched my hands.
“Put your finger here, see my hands. And touch my side. Stop doubting and believe.” I said
Thomas fell to his knees and exclaimed, “My Lord and my God!”
“You have seen and you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen but still believe,” I said.
I called all of the disciples together. We walked out together to the top of a nearby hill.
“As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.” I declared, “I give you the Holy Spirit as your authority to continue my work here on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach them to observe all that I have commanded you. I will be with you always, until the end of the age.”
With that, I lifted my hands and blessed my disciples one last time and then ascended into heaven.